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Hi, I'm Anna!

I am a menopause coach and a meditation instructor.  I help women have a better experience of menopause and feel even more alive and connected to their bodies than they did in their 20s and 30s!


Perimenopause hit me hard in my early 40s.  I was working full time in a law firm while doing food photography at night and on weekends.  I completely burned myself out and suddenly found that I was dealing with menstrual irregularity, fatigue, anxiety, and changes to my skin, to name a few. 


I have always been health conscious, and I was aware of the benefits of meditation but never actually experienced the benefits of a regular practice until I was in perimenopause.  I also started embodiment techniques that helped release the stress from my body through movement.  


These practices changed my entire outlook on life and made me not only more resilient to stress but also helped me feel more in control of my body and better able to go through menopause.  I also finally found the confidence to come out of my shell and to make some changes in my life and career, by following my passion. 



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My Training

Hormone Health Coach -- IIN

Mindset Coach -- Yes Supply Method

Menopause Coaching Specialist -- GGS Academy 

Meditation Instructor -- Radiance Sutras School of Meditation

Non-Linear Movement Method -- Michaela Boehm

Vegan Lifestyle Coach -- Main Street Vegan Academy

Culinary Nutrition Expert -- Academy of Culinary Nutrition 


In addition, I am currently becoming certified as a Menopause Doula through Doula Canada.

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My Coaching

Yes, menopause can be uncomfortable.  You might feel confused about what is happening.  You might no longer recognize yourself – it seems like your body is out of control.  What worked for you in the past is no longer working.  You might have a feeling of loss, grief, or anxiety around getting older.  As a vegan, you are not feeling supported by traditional menopause advice.  I can help you find strategies that will work for your specific circumstances to improve how you are feeling, mentally and physically, through this transition and beyond.


Menopause was rarely spoken about until a few years ago, unless it was a joke about hot flashes.  If you see menopausal women portrayed in advertisements or the media, you will see grimacing faces and tired women in pain, fanning themselves.  Let’s change that!  Your menopause can be a deeply nourishing transformation, a time of coming home to your body, and there is a lot we can do to reduce your symptoms and improve your experience.


In our coaching sessions you will have the caring support of a menopause expert to help you make menopause the best time of your life

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